Monday, October 27, 2008

Fat Loss Diet

Fat Loss Diet

How do you eat if you want to lose fat? What's a good fat loss diet?

Those are a couple questions I get quite often from clients and from the public in general when they find out I'm a fat loss and fitness expert.

After I speak them a little more, I come to realize that many people are all making the same mistakes.

I've narrowed those fat loss diet mistakes down to the top 3 that 99% of the population are making.

1 - Sauces, Dressings, Condiments. There really is no quicker way to ruin your fat loss diet than by dousing your salad, pasta, or whatever food you're eating, with a bunch of salad dressings, ketchup, sauces, or other condiments.

Those things are loaded with calories...and not the good kind of calories either. They're loaded with sugar and fat and lack virtually any nutritional benefit making them the worst of the worst when it comes to fat loss foods.

You will gain fat by eating too much of them...I guarantee it.

You can still eat them, don't get me wrong. You just need to be mindful of how much you use and what kinds you use.

Watch out for things that say "No fat", because if they say no fat or low fat, they're probably really high in sugar. They have to make up for the flavor somehow and that's usually by adding sugar, salt or loads of artificial sweeteners.

When you're eating at a restaurant, ask for all dressings and sauces to be given to you on the side. I recently went with my wife to one of our favorite restaurants and forgot to ask for the salad dressing on the side and when I was presented with my salad, I was disgusted. The middle of the thing was a big soggy mess because it was so loaded with dressing. I had to eat around the middle of the salad and I was disgusted with how the plate looked when I was finished. The bottom of it was loaded with a creamy mess of salad dressing and some soggy spinach leaves.

The same can be said for virtually any sauce that comes with food, whether that be ketchup (or other condiments) or pasta sauces. They're all loaded with calories and will make you gain fat...even though you may think you're eating a healthy food (much like my salad story).

2 - Alcohol. I know I said there's no quicker way to ruin your fat loss diet than by using too much sauces and dressings, but alcohol is a close second. Alcohol is the simplest of sugars and will make you gain fat. There's no argument to that statement.

Alcohol makes you gain fat, or at the very least, stalls your fat loss goals.

One shot of liquor, one beer, or one glass of wine all have around 100 calories (some more). And those calories have zero nutritional value. Not only that, but your body will more than likely store those calories as fat.

Take those numbers even further and it's very easy to see that many mixed drinks have upwards of 600 calories. Have a couple of those on the weekend and BAM! say hello to an extra layer of flabby goo to your gut, butt or thighs.

3 - Not enough fiber. Not eating enough fiber is quite possibly the easiest thing to correct when it comes to fat loss diets. It's easy because all you have to do to increase your fiber intake is to eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes or whole grains. All those things are very easy to add to your diet because there's no cooking or thinking involved.

All of those things are virtually "ready to eat" and can be taken anywhere. Take a few pieces of fruit and some almonds to work with you and have them in the middle of your morning when you're starting to get hungry. Not only is it an awesome snack, but because of the fiber, you'll feel fuller longer which will make it easier for you to eat a healthy, fat fighting lunch rather than running out to grab something from the drive-thru or break room.

Add a spinach salad with chicken breast and broccoli for lunch. It's very easy to prepare and easy to transport.

Make a homemade smoothie for breakfast that has lots of raw berries, ground flax seed and real fruit juice and you'll have a vitamin and fiber packed meal to kick off your day. It'll shoot your energy through the roof and have you feeling better than you have in years.

If you correct even 2 of these fat loss diet mistakes, you'll be well on your way to losing fat like crazy and getting the physique you've always wanted. Add some fat burning workouts to the mix and you'll lose stomach fat faster than ever before.

Give it a go. It's not that hard and your body will thank you for it.

Also Check These Out:

Fat Loss Diet

Fat Loss Diet

Fat Loss Diet

An accelerated fat loss diet that works is going to take advantage of the new, improved calorie shifting diets out there. There's on in particular that I'll discuss below, which people are talking about all over the world with drastic results. We'll see why it's working.

1. This calorie shifting diet is a diet that dummy can follow! I say that because many times people just don't end up following all these different, complicated diets out there. There are so many diets on the market that promise to be an accelerated fat loss diet, but don't deliver the goods because it practically takes a mathematician to follow them!

Simplicity is best with an accelerated fat loss diet. You don't want to have to count your calories each day and follow a bunch of strict diet plans. In the end, you'll lose your initial progress and end up gaining the weight back.

2. You want to have your fat burning hormones increased so that you burn fat more easily. This is what happens when you're eating different amounts of calories each day. You don't have to have specific types of foods to accomplish an accelerated fat loss diet; you just need a much different caloric consumption compared to the day before.

That's what you can accomplish with this accelerated fat loss diet by eating within your general specified food groups in the diet.

3. Metabolism is increased when you shift the amount of calories your eating every day in an accelerated fat loss diet. It's kind of a trick in the body. Scientific tests show that your body increases in metabolism when you're constantly shifting the amount of calories each day.

This is what makes particular diet a successful accelerated fat loss diet. Just stick to the easy 123 general guidelines and you can lose as much as nine pounds in eleven days or even more as you'll see below when you check out other people's results.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Isn't For Everyone?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots may not be for you if you're accustomed to eating the same amount of food per day. Some people just don't want to switch up their diets every day. If not, this diet may not be for you.

That's the only problem I've found with this accelerated fat loss diet.

Also Check These Out:

Fat Loss Diet

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fat Loss Diet

Fat Loss Diet

Are you struggling to lose weight? Do you wish there was a secret to fat loss? By now you've probably been surfing the internet looking for answer to your weight loss question for at least an hour and you are ready to read something of real I right?

You see the infomercials almost daily and you think to yourself, "If only I could see the results that these people are getting in the testimonials". You see that a middle aged man or woman has lost in excess of 30lbs. and you just wonder how it can be done.

Take a quick moment and think about all the "quick fix" solutions to weight loss out there and how they always seem to fall short of the expectations you have put on them. How much have you spent on such infomercials? Twenty, fifty,...$100?

It's actually downright insulting for these snake-oil salesmen to push their products on you! However, they are so well put together! It's really a psychological game and these companies play it so well.

So now it's time to get past all the infomercials and fad diets out there and talk about the cold, hard truth behind weight loss, abdominal reduction and fat burning. No gossip, just the science behind what we all need.

First, we need to address the important principle of structuring your workouts. In order to stimulate fat-loss, especially from your stomach, you need to stop wasting so much of your time doing worthless crunches and in the hopes of "spot-reducing" your abdominal fat.

Spot-reduction does not occur because fat loss AND weight loss occur from the body as a whole. Your body is not capable of selecting where it would like to burn fat from.

You can never lose fat from your stomach by exercising that area alone. You must do something much more capable of burning fat from the entire body and that's what we will discuss next!

Now, don't be put off by my bashing on ab exercises. I still believe ab exercises are an important addition to any workout. The point I would like you to run with is that ab exercises are great for strengthening the core area, however, they will not make you burn the most calories for your buck!

Instead, I like to concentrate on what I call the after-burn effect. You see, if you use multi-joint exercises like presses, pulls, and lunges, you will actually end up burning more fat from your belly than by using ab exercises!

I know this may be hard for you to imagine, but these types of exercises cause your body to have an increased metabolic rate for up to 72 hours after you perform them. Think about that!

If you do an intense workout consisting of these multi-joint exercises, you will reap an amazing benefit. During this 48-72 hour post exercise period your body will actually be flooded with fat-burning and muscle building hormones!

So, how do you do it? How do you accomplish this avalanche of fat-burning hormones? Easy, you use exercises like squats, lunges, deadlifts, presses, pulls, AND your favorite ab exercises together. However, your priority is placed on the exercises that are more intense and require more concentration.

This boils down to taking minimal rest periods and ignoring your gym friends' gossip. You need to be intense! Keep track of your rest times and tell your buddies to meet you for food after your amazing fat burning workout!

Second, we need to eat for fat burning. Your nutrition literally has the power to make you burn fat. Of coarse, the exact opposite is true, food can also be the cause of your fat gain just as easily. The key is to use science in your favor to determine which foods should be eaten to accomplish your fat loss.

By following the recommendations of fad diets you will actually keep yourself from burning fat. Imagine that. The very thing that all of the fad diets claim to cure, they actually aid! If you follow the advice of the low-carb diets, soup diets, amazon diets, low-fat diets, and calorie ratio diets, you will only end up gaining fat because they do not understand the science behind fat loss.

None of these fad diets address the fact that a specific hormonal balance within the body is needed in order to burn fat. If this hormonal balance is not achieved, then there's no fat burning!

When you begin to move away from the fad diets and toward a realistic fat burning program you will find that becoming leaner happens automatically. It has to become lean if your hormones are in their proper levels because hormones have the master key to this process!

So the secret to fat loss is essentially eating foods and doing activities that boost your fat burning hormones and limit your "fat adding hormones". This process is not complex and has a definite cause and effect. Remember, stay positive about your weight loss goals and take it one day at a time.

Also check out:

Fat Loss Diet

Fat Loss Diet

Welcome to the Fat Loss Diet Blog!

Here we will sort out once and for all HOW Fat Loss Diet really works!

I'll be back very soon with some useful information about Fat Loss Diet.

Best regards,

/Phat Dad